How to list the pages of a previous publication in APA6th?

edited June 6, 2021

I am trying to replicate Example 26. from the APA 6th manual. It appears blow:

Piaget, J. (1988). Extracts from Piaget's theory (G. Gellerier & J. Langer, Trans.). In K. Richardson & S. Sheldon (Eds.), <i>Cognitive development to adolescence: A reader</i> (pp. 3-18). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Reprinted from <i>Manual of child psychology</i>, pp. 703-732, by P. H. Mussen, Ed., 1970, New York, NY: Wiley)

I have found the CSL original-* declarations for Zotero and CSL here: and am using those in Zotero's Extra field.
As the example indicates there is also an original Editor and an original page range. How am I to include those?

  • I suggest using the APA 7th edition style. With that, you can enter a full previous publication information in Extra like this:
    References: Reprinted from Manual of child psychology, pp. 703-732, by P. H. Mussen, Ed., 1970, Wiley

    This isn’t in the APA 6th edition CSL style. Given that APA 6 is on its way out, I’ve stopped working on updating it actively. You could port this section of code from 7 to 6.
  • edited June 6, 2021

    To clarify, are you saying that anything in the extra field gets concatenated in apa7th? There is no specific CSL variable to invoke? In my *not* apa manual example I also have a DOI for the book.
  • It does invoke a variable: References
  • See here for the part of the APA 7 style that invokes the 'references' CSL variable:
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