I couldn't run the engines.json file I found on github either.

I have organized a file named "engines.json" for the looking engines in zotero. but nothing seems to have worked. On the contrary, I started getting an error in my snaphoot operations. ";" after each curly brace in "Engines.json" I also realized that there was a semicolon. I fixed them too. But I couldn't make it. What should I do?

I couldn't run the engines.json file I found on github either.

I wonder if the "engines" file is working. May your share it with me? In fact, the only reason I want to do this is out of curiosity.

Sometimes I add the entire bibliography of a publication I like to zotero with a .bib extension. However, at this time, zotero does not load the pdfs of these newly added articles. I'm looking for a method where I can add these to zotero faster. Of course, I am also blocked from google academic during this process. I thought that maybe it wouldn't take long for me to be blocked while making such calls from a site other than google academic.

When I add a group of publications with bib files to Zotero, I want it to load the pdf file automatically. But when it doesn't, I do my first reading. I download each file when I find it with a single lookup engine. It would be really nice to automate this process a little more.
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