[PROPOSAL] Debug option for citations

Currently it's impossible to distinguish what in the text is a citation and what isn't.

In fact, citations have the same format (normal instead of underlined for example) and the same color of normal text.

this makes it impossible to recover from bugs that arbitrarily remove the citation from the text, and more generally to debug the document.

I am talking about Google Docs.

I am proposing a menu item under the "Zotero" menu called for example "color citations".

clicking on the menu item would make the citations blue and unerlined for example. Clicking again would restore the color and format they had before
  • Most of the time this wouldn't make sense. Unfortunately your final phases of editing coincide with the copy-pasting bug that is caused by Google Docs, not Zotero, although we're doing everything we can to fix it ASAP.
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