Dot mistake in date

A conference date in Hungarian needs a dot and not a comma after number of year. E.g. 2007. szeptember 28. and not 2007, szeptember 28.
Thank you!!!
  • If you're seeing this in APA style in the date right after the author, that can't be localized at this time. (The standard Hungarian date used in citation styles by Zotero already uses a period)
    I'd also note that the form "Year, month day" that APA uses is highly unusual in English, and used by APA to make sense in the context of how the citations are constructed (those items would only be author (year) in text, but then author (year, month day) in the bibliography), so I think it is at least defensible to keep as is in other languages where the format is non-standard.
  • Yes, in my experience, non-English psychology journals usually keep this same date ordering
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