Zotero Connector proxy setup

I am using the Zotero Connector extension in Chrome, and when I need to access articles I usually "URL-hack" to connect through my university proxy, for example by replacing




My understanding is that the connector is supposed to be able to automatically detect proxy usage and save the proxy URL substitution, but mine is not doing so. I do not mind if I have to add the proxy substitution manually but I do not understand the syntax, I tried


and some variations, but it didn't work, I assume that my syntax is incorrect. Any help would be appreciated, either with the syntax or with the automatic proxy detection.
  • An EZproxy proxy — which that appears to be — should generally be detected automatically, but the syntax would be %h.proxy.lib.uwaterloo.ca/%p, with "Automatically associate new hosts" and "Automatically convert between dots and hyphens in proxied hostnames" enabled.
  • Thank you, I misunderstood the syntax. Do I then need to add www.sciencedirect.com/ and other url's which should be proxied under "Hostnames"?
  • They'll be automatically added as you access them through the proxy. If you access a site directly before it's associated, you can right-click on the save button and select Reload via Proxy, at which point it should be added.
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