Any limit related to the number of collections and attachments?

edited May 19, 2021
I am a fan of folders so I like collections. Would like to know can the system hold thousands of collections?
I would use tags too but I am afraid that 100k or more tags after years would freeze Zotero!?
I am also a fan of internal attachments. Does Zotero hold terrabytes of data as internal attachments?
I want to use Zotero offline.
  • There's no limit to the number of collections, but we don't regularly test libraries with huge numbers of collection, so I can't give you specific guidance. If you're not syncing, you're less likely to run into problems.

    Note that tags are lighter-weight than collections.

    Attachments are just items in the database. The files are stored separately on disk.
  • Thant is great thanks. Because when the new PDF viewer final version appears I will make tons of PDF annotations with tags so it will help much.
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