Zotero integration bug
Good Morning.
After updating my Office 2019 to Microsoft 365, Zotero stopped working. I get the following message: "Zotero experienced an error updating his document."
Report ID: 2104298548
I will appreciate your kind help
After updating my Office 2019 to Microsoft 365, Zotero stopped working. I get the following message: "Zotero experienced an error updating his document."
Report ID: 2104298548
I will appreciate your kind help
adomasvenMake sure your document is not stored on One Drive, and if it is, then it shouldn't have any spaces in the name.
RommellVGSI tried to start a new document, without any reference, then I tried one that was already referenced, none of them worked, and none are stored in One Drive
adomasvenWhat's the full version of Word that you are running? Have you tried restarting your computer?
RommellVGSMicrosoft @ Word for Microsoft 365 MSO (16.0.13127.21624) 64 bits. Word version 2008 (Build 13127.21624). I have already rebooted the computer several times.