How to Cite a Note
Styles have different preferences for how to cite notes. For instance, SBL uses the convention "[page number]n[note number]" (e.g., "102n2"). But CBA / CBQ uses the convention "[page number] n. [note number]" (e.g., "102 n. 2").
For cases like these, is there a good way to input a citation of a note so that Zotero can handle the note delimiter changes from one style to another?
Thank you so much for your thoughts!
For cases like these, is there a good way to input a citation of a note so that Zotero can handle the note delimiter changes from one style to another?
Thank you so much for your thoughts!
I believe citeproc is actually able to parse these, if you use acronyms, i.e. p. 107 n. 3 might be parsed correctly, but I don't actually know how you can style multiple locators in CSL since the language doesn't have that concept.