Zotero fails at retrieving metadata for Jstor articles correctly
Hi there,
Zotero commonly fails to get the publication year and the journals' volume, issue, and pages for many jstor files. Instead, it puts the current year as the year of publication and the total number of pages as page numbers. It leaves the volume and the number sections blank.
For instance, this article: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1209713?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.
I contacted Jstor's support, and they told me I should contact Zotero's support.
Zotero commonly fails to get the publication year and the journals' volume, issue, and pages for many jstor files. Instead, it puts the current year as the year of publication and the total number of pages as page numbers. It leaves the volume and the number sections blank.
For instance, this article: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1209713?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.
I contacted Jstor's support, and they told me I should contact Zotero's support.
van den Ecker, Louis. 1950. ‘A Veteran’s View of Hollywood Authenticity’. Hollywood Quarterly 4(4):323–31. doi: 10.2307/1209713.
Zotero does not show anything unusual while saving it.
If I download the file and save it to Zotero, then I get this:
Anon. 2021. ‘A Veteran’s View of Hollywood Authenticity’. HOLLYWOOD QUARTERLY 10.
Ok, I will be just saving the metadata via the browser and then adding the files.
Thank you very much!