Error report: Cannot insert citations

Error report ID: 1620909283-46126
Debug output ID: D1620909176-15348

Suddenly today I cannot insert citations with Jurism/Zotero on my iMac. It lets me make a selection (in this case two sources), then after I click OK it just hangs up. I wait 10 minutes with no result. I tried several times before making his report.

When Jurism is hung, I can work on the Word document but not do anything with Jurism/Zotero. If I try to enter a new Zotero citation it does not even open the citation window.

I made the error log after restarting the iMac.

I am using the current versions of Jurism (5.0.93m18) and MacOS Catalina (10.15.7)
  • edited May 13, 2021
    Update: it did in fact complete the citation whilst I was typing up this report (!) so about 15 minutes after setting it up. It therefore seems to be a dire performance issue rather than a 'hard' bug.

    I went ahead and entered another citation, just a single source, and that took 12 minutes.

    Remembering that performance problems on the Mac when refreshing are much less bad on a Windows machine, I tried inserting a single-source citation on Windows (Pro 10 Education build 19042.928). That completed before I could even note the time (within seconds).

    So I suppose the question is: has something changed recently on Zotero / Jurism that would make the insertion of citations (which were not a problem before) slow on MacOS? And, if so, can anything be done to revoke it?
  • Shouldn't be the case. You have automatic updating of citations disabled?
  • @AndySymons macOS has been getting more aggressive with putting applications to AppNap, which reduces Zotero document update speed to a crawl. The most recent version of Zotero includes a fix that disables AppNap during Zotero actions. If you are able to use that then the performance should be better (although still not as good as with Windows). How big is the document?
  • @adamsmith yes automatic updates are disabled because refresh takes over 30-40 minutes on MacOS but a couple of minutes on Windows (previous threads). I now usually work on MacOS most of the time but have to switch to a Windows system to do Zotero refreshes (which is a pain).

    @adomasven I am using Jurism. Does that not have the same update? I can't switch back to plain Zotero because I use the multi-lingual facility of Jurism (a lot). I now have to use Windows to update my citations, but I hate it as it does not have all the keyboard shortcuts of MacOS.

    The document (a PhD thesis) is 313 pages, 125,000 words with approx. 500 Zotero / Jurism citations.
  • I am using Jurism. Does that not have the same update?
    It looks like 5.0.93m18 is from January, so probably not.

    The workaround would be to keep some part of the Zotero window visible during all updates, which prevents App Nap from kicking in.
  • I already do that :-(
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