Anyone here using Zotero for papers in Germanistik or Neuere Deutsche Literatur?

The 'Zotero Style Repository' has two styles that only remotely point in this direction.

If any Germanistinnen or Germanisten are reading these lines, I would be interested to know what citation style you are using. It seems Georg Bangen's book 'Die schriftliche Form germanistischer Arbeiten', which used to be the supreme and non disputed style Bible for many decades, is not used anymore.
  • If you find a style guide you’d like to follow, we can make a Zotero style that follows it. See here for how to request a style:
  • @bwiernik

    Thanks bwiernik for chiming in and providing a link for requesting a style.

    I'm on a Mac and I don't use MS Word. The RTF Scan feature doesn't work in other Mac applications if the author's name contains an umlaut or a diacritic. Therefore I decided to dump Zotero.

    Notwithstanding, I'm still interested in hearing whether PC users here are using Zotero in the subject *Neuere Deutsche Literatur*. Until ca. 1990 most Germanistik students, regardless at which university they were studying, were using the same citation style; but since then pluralism has set in.
  • Zotero works with Word, LibreOffice, and Google Docs. If you are using another program like Scrivener, use the ODF Scan plugin. It works like RTF Scan, but much more reliable.
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