Adding footnotes

edited May 8, 2021
Hello, I am having trouble inserting footmarks in Zotero.

If set to Vancouver for example, it just inserts the number on the bottom of the page in the format "(1)" or if using Angela Ruskin for example, it insert a citation, ie (Smith and Bary, 2017). What I want is the reference style footnote at the bottom of the page in very small font. It works ok using Mendeley and this is the format I would lik to appear in small font at the bottom of the page....

"3 Palmer, B., 2019. What Share of Wallet (SOW) Tells Us. [online] Investopedia. Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2020]", with the "3" being being in superscript, not sure what I am doing wrong.

I am using Microsoft Word ver 16.48 and also Zotero latest beta 5.0.97-beta.23+d27b622f9.

I am running Big Sur 11.2.3 on a late 2020 Mac mini M1

Any help welcome.

(PS) I cant seem to be able to upload a screenshot.

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