Trouble dragging citations to other folders on M1 mac

Hi! I'm running Zotero on a 2020 Mac mini. I can no longer drag items to new folders when using this machine. It works fine on a MacBook Pro. Tried reinstalling but no change - any other suggestions? Thanks!
  • edited May 6, 2021
    to clarify - items already in my library can't be dragged into a new collection. thanks!
  • edited May 6, 2021
  • I'm not clear — are you still having a problem here?

    There's certainly nothing about dragging items to collections that's related to using an M1 Mac.

    Restart your computer and try again, and make sure you're dragging an item that doesn't already exist in the target collection.

    If you're still having trouble, provide a Debug ID for trying to drag an item.
  • Restarting the computer solved the problem - I should have tried that first. Thanks for your patience! I really appreciate your ongoing work on zotero and on this forum.
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