Order resources in Zotero by cites (and cites per year)
Dear all,
I am a relative new user of Zotero (third year, but I'd fully subscribed only two years ago). What I miss more in Zotero is the possibility to order the resources in a collection like I do in Publish or Perish. Usually when I've to start to write on something I collect with PoP the first 1000 results on Google Scholar, order them by cites per year and start reading from the first one. But when I export in Zotero the results generated in Bibtex by PoP, all the 'cites' information are store in a note, like this one:
note = {1671 cites: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=13470570996070169757\&as_sdt=2005\&sciodt=2007\&hl=en},
note = {Query date: 2021-05-04 18:01:32},
and I cannot sort in Zotero the resources by cites. So I've to jump from PoP to Zotero to read in the correct order the resources and it is very frustrating. I would love to use PoP only for querying database (like Scopus, Scholar ecc) and the use Zotero to read, to tag, to highlight the resources founded.
Probably there is something I am missing, please help me.
Thank you in advance, and sorry if my question is stupid but this is something that is make me going crazy.
I am a relative new user of Zotero (third year, but I'd fully subscribed only two years ago). What I miss more in Zotero is the possibility to order the resources in a collection like I do in Publish or Perish. Usually when I've to start to write on something I collect with PoP the first 1000 results on Google Scholar, order them by cites per year and start reading from the first one. But when I export in Zotero the results generated in Bibtex by PoP, all the 'cites' information are store in a note, like this one:
note = {1671 cites: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=13470570996070169757\&as_sdt=2005\&sciodt=2007\&hl=en},
note = {Query date: 2021-05-04 18:01:32},
and I cannot sort in Zotero the resources by cites. So I've to jump from PoP to Zotero to read in the correct order the resources and it is very frustrating. I would love to use PoP only for querying database (like Scopus, Scholar ecc) and the use Zotero to read, to tag, to highlight the resources founded.
Probably there is something I am missing, please help me.
Thank you in advance, and sorry if my question is stupid but this is something that is make me going crazy.