Warning when syncing group library

We have a group library set up in our institution to which only a subgroup of the members have write access ("library editing" and "file editing") and the other members have only read access ("library reading").

Upon sync of the local Zotero client at different users there is often a warning message popping up saying "Permission Denied": "You no longer have write access to the group XYZ and changes you've made locally cannot be uploaded. If you continue, your copy of the group will be reset to its state on zotero.org, and local changes to items and files will be lost. [...]" with the choice of either "Reset Group and Sync" or "Skip Group".

Even when clicking "Reset Group and Sync" this message keeps on popping up when the Zotero client is being opened the next times.
This happens for users which: a) first had full library access and now only have read access, but also b) users which always only had read access.

Is there a way to make this warning disappear?
From my understanding clicking once the "Reset Group and Sync" button should resolve this warning forever, right?

Thanks a lot for your input
  • From my understanding clicking once the "Reset Group and Sync" button should resolve this warning forever, right?
    Yes, it should, and it generally shouldn't happen in the first place unless someone made a local change with auto-sync off while their access was changed to remove write access.

    So if you're seeing this repeatedly, that would be a bug, and we'd want to know if you can reproduce it reliably. If you can, we'd want to see two Debug IDs: 1) a sync that includes the reset and 2) an immediately following Zotero restart through the next sync where the message pops up again, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option.
  • Here we go with the Debug IDs:
    1) including the "Reset Group and Sync": D1858255289
    2) immediately following Zotero restart when message pops up again and "Reset Group and Sync" was selected clicked again: D1718682259
    Hope that helps.
  • edited May 6, 2021
    OK, thanks. This is fixed for the next Zotero beta (5.0.97-beta.23), which should be out later today.
  • great. thanks a lot!
  • The new beta with this fix is available now.
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