Problems with "# of pages"
I just changed my zotero version (to 2.0) and the style I used (I adapted Sp-Legal in my way, being a french historian). Both citations and bibliography don't give number of pages. May I change the variable "page" for an other ?
Thanks for your help
I just changed my zotero version (to 2.0) and the style I used (I adapted Sp-Legal in my way, being a french historian). Both citations and bibliography don't give number of pages. May I change the variable "page" for an other ?
Thanks for your help
Since I installed Zotero 2, the pages field diseappered and has been replaced by "# of Pages" (all the other fields are in french, except this one)
Because books never used to have "pages" in the English version, whereas the other types never used to have (and still don't have) number of pages. Not yet. A future version of CSL should allow the use of numPages, though.
Every information whhich was in pages field now appears in # of pages field, and I am unable to build a citation or a bibliography with the books' pages...
And I found a new problem : creating a bibliography, titles aren't in italic (in citation they are)
<text variable="note" prefix="p. "/> . (The field was taken out because pages is for page ranges and several styles started providing page numbers where they weren't supposed to because the style called for a page-range for journal articles or book sections).
The italics is very unlikely to be due to an upgrade, more likely something is wrong with the style.
Could you post your style at so I can have a look?
I hope my attempt to post my "style" (I'm afraid it cannot really be called so..). Title is histoire2
<bibliography> to a different gist? (sorry for the trouble) - at first glance I have no explanation - this seems right and there really doesn't appear to be a reason why zotero should do something different to the title in the bibliography. But without the full csl I can't test this on my zotero.
How do things look in the chrome panel?
(also, if you want to feel free to respond in French. As long as I don't have to write it thats fine.
here the link for part starting with :
Do you get anything in italics in Word? Maybe word is applying some type of formatting that takes out italics?
Otherwise I am out of my depth here - all I can tell you is that it's definitely not a zotero problem, maybe a zotero plugin problem, and most likely a word problem. Which Word and Operating System?
I'am working on Mac , OSX 10.5.8 and Word 2004. Perhaps, I could move to Ooo, in fact..
Désolé, mais je ne parle pas anglais, c'est pourquoi je vais écrire en français. Je crois que j'ai le même problème que vous. Dans type "Livre" le nombre de pages n'apparait pas dans Word ou open-office alors que le champ "of pages" est bien renseigné dans l'extension zotero de Firefox. Je me demande s'il s'agit d'un bug ou simplement du fait que les styles ne prennent pas en compte cette information.
visiblement c'est un bug non résolu (de traduction peut-être) et il n'y a pas de solution pour le moment... sauf à systématiquement coller le nb de page dans la rubrique extra et de coller la formule dans le style (sous la ligne de bibliography où il y les infos sur les pages..)
Ca va etre posible dans l'avenir avec csl 1.0.