The new built-in PDF reader and note editor

I like the new PDF reader so much! Thank you very much for the great work!

Some suggestions:

Regarding the PDF reader,

(1) Could the PDF tabs be opened in a separate window from the library tab? I used to open Zotero on one screen and a PDF reader in another, which is very helpful when quickly going through the papers.

Regarding the notes,

(2) I would appreciate seeing a preview of the notes. A possible solution might be providing a layout in which the note list is always kept, and the note editor is opened somewhere else.

(3) Is it possible to add links for other notes in a note, just like inserting a paper citation? The new note editor provides an exciting way of gathering rich content from the entire Zotero library, but the organization of notes is poorly supported (to my understanding).

Really looking forward to All-in-Zotero!
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