APA 7th edition, in-text numerical citation, not superscript
I need to use APA 7th edition, but with numerical, square bracket in-text citations that are not superscript.
I was able to find a superscript version only.
Is there a way to access a non-superscript version?
Thank you.
I need to use APA 7th edition, but with numerical, square bracket in-text citations that are not superscript.
I was able to find a superscript version only.
Is there a way to access a non-superscript version?
Thank you.
from this line:<layout delimiter="," prefix="[" suffix="]" vertical-align="sup">
See https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles/style_editing_step-by-step for general instructions: don't forget to change the file id and title