Save searched results and drag it as a subcollection?

edited April 21, 2021
Is it possible to save searched results and drag it as a subcollection?
Acturally, I have googled the above question, and found the first item back into 11 years ago. Searching acoording to multi-confitions, such as tags, authors, is really a function that matters in orgnizing refs. Such function has been met in "Endnote" for several years, being as "smart groups".
For example, I trace several "big names". While the top-level-only searched results is a disaster for well orgnizing.
  • I'm not totally sure what you're asking, but you can certainly create an advanced search using multiple conditions and save it as a saved search.

    You can't currently move a saved search under a collection, though it's a common request and will likely happen at some point.
  • Thank for the reply. I mean saving search under a collection, which can significantly enhance the convience in orgnizing search. Looking forward to the function!
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