MDPI citation style - title case

edited April 18, 2021
Journal article titles in MDPI journals should be in sentence case format, e.g. while they are now in title case format. Is it due to recent change in American Chemical Society citation style used as a template for MDPI style? Any suggestion how to fix it?
  • This would just be a change in the publisher style since MDPI wrote the style a few years back. Is this consistent across MDPI journals?

    (The template styles have no impact on a style.)
  • MDPI style is dated 18.12.2020. When I opened my ms from November 2020 with Journal of Fungi (one of MDPI) style in which formating was correct now it automatically changes sentence case to title case. Most MDPI journals except those on humanities and social sciences probably have the same style.
  • The general MDPI guide at has title case for journal titles (see the first example). Not sure why the inconsitency, would probably be best to find out from MDPI
  • Thanks for this info. I checked the recent papers, some have new (title case) style while others the former one. Probably it is not so important and so I will use the current MDPI style.
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