APA reference list

Something I’m currently facing, actually from the beginning is the outlining of my complete references list. It’s completely outlined at the left for every sentence, instead of a typical APA outline with double spaces. I noticed that other people using even the free version of Zotero had the APA outline automatically. I was doing it by hand everytime. But it’s not doable since I have now approximately 200 references. And every time when adding a citation, I can start finetuning the references list again.

I’ve already made a copy of my file 2 times. And I work on an up to date MacBook Air.
  • Don’t modify by hand.

    Are you making your bibliography using the Zotero Word plugin or another way? If you are using the Word plugin, change to a different citation style and back in the Document Preferences window from the Zotero tab to reset the bibliography formatting style.
  • What a relief. Extremely grateful because it’s solved. Thanks
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