Unable to extract annotations on web page snapshot

I am able to annotate PDFs and extract those annotations so I can move them to Obsidian. My problem occurs when I save a web page, annotate it in my Foxit reader (the same workflow I used for the PDF) then try to extract the annotations. I get an error telling me that it is skipping the extraction because it is "top level, snapshot, or does not exist". I use web pages extensively so I'd love to figure out how to make this work. Any ideas?
  • First, to be clear, Zotero can only extract PDF annotations. If you're saying that you're converting the snapshot to a PDF, the fact that it came from a webpage is irrelevant. All that matters is that it's a PDF.

    The attachment also needs to have a parent item in Zotero, which you'll likely need to create manually in the case of a PDF you create yourself, since it's unlikely that Zotero will be able to retrieve metadata for it. See Adding PDFs and Other Files.
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