Red search bar not searching for references online

Hi everyone, I just downloaded Zotero--I have the zotero chrome connector and the word extension for macbook. Zotero is showing in my word document. I can click to add/edit citation and zotero enters the number by the sentence and creates an empty footnote. When the red search bar pops up, I enter information for it to search for my reference, but it doesnt appear to be connecting to the internet. I restarted my computer twice and I checked to ensure I have the chrome extension. Any advice? Thanks in advance.
  • edited April 12, 2021
    The red search bar has nothing to do with the internet. That's searching your local Zotero library. If want to cite something, you need to add it to your library. If you're saving items from the browser, you should have the Zotero app open, and you should also make sure you've set up syncing so that items you add elsewhere (or when the Zotero app is closed, though we don't recommend that) are downloaded.
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