APA 6 style not reducing multiple authors to et al

Citations with 3 & 4 multiple authors should all be presented the first time, and thereafter rendered as: First_author, et al - it's happening sometimes, but further into the document all authors are listed again. I'm using Word 365. One solution is to change 'store citations' from Fields to Bookmarks (or vice versa) - which seems a bit odd so I though I'd raise the issue.
  • The style has that coded correctly. I generally see three ways this could happen:
    1. You have automatic updating of citations turned off (citations would be underlined with a dash line in that case)
    2. You have duplicates of that item and are citing both (you would be able to tell by the bibliography; there'd also most likely be an a/b suffix behind the year
    3. You have other items with similar author lists: Zotero follows APA's rule to list additional authors to distinguish between different lists of authors with the first 1, 2, etc. authors.
  • Thanks Adam - very helpful. Automatic updating is turned off - I'll switch that on. I've cleared duplicates recently but 3 is possible in some instances.
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