Zotero bibliography export locale

Hello i've create a little firefox add-on to add a menu to easily change the bibliography export locale.

Zotero use by default firefox locale but the citation is generally in english.
to change this value you need to change extensions.zotero.export.bibliographyLocale value in about:config.

This add-on add a menu in the zotero action menu to quick change your bibliography locale.
You can switch between you default firefox locale to english.

This add-on is still experimental. I've test it with firefox 3,5 on OSX with zotero 1 and 2.

If you have suggestions tell me.

  • seems to work fine for me (though I won't really use it - just curious.) Unfortunately, you sill have to restart after a change (I understand that's not your fault, it just shows that this may not be sufficient as a long term solution).
  • Thanks to test it.
    Restart firefox is a problem but i don't think people switch locale every day. It could be interesting to add this menu in zotero to be more user-friendly maybe in the advance pref panel.
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