Tailoring IEEE style

How would I go about modifying the IEEE citation style in the reference list to remove the letter of the first name of the author?

So, from
[87] N. Bello and C. Self, “Title” Mar. 01–02, 2021.

[87] Bello and Self, “Title" Mar. 01–02, 2021.

So, basically delete "N." from "N.Bello" and "C." from "C. Self".

It is not clear to me how to make changes in the Style Editor to obtain this? Thank you.
  • it's setting form="short" on the name element of the authors.
  • Let's see. I opened the style editor in IEEE and in the following section added form="short" as indicated:

    Michael Berkowitz

    It does not seem to work. Help?
  • Can you post your edited style to gist.GitHub.com or pastebin.com and give a link here?
  • Oh, I see that the code did not go through the forum comment.

    I am afraid I don't know how to do what you suggest. Help please?

    Just for reference: I am working out of the original IEEE style, no changes... all I need is to have authors mentioned with last name only, not the first letter of the first name.

    So, NOT:
    [87] N. Bello and C. Self, “Title” Mar. 01–02, 2021.

    [87] Bello and Self, “Title" Mar. 01–02, 2021.

  • Line 107, add form="short".

    For pastebin:
    You go to pastebin.com, there is a big field were you can paste your code, give it a number under "paste name/title" click on "Create new paste". Now you copy that url and post it here. It'll be something like this: https://pastebin.com/qt3PgqH3
  • And general instructions for editing styles are here: https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles/style_editing_step-by-step

    Note in particular the part about changing style title and id
  • Thank you.
    Here it is: https://pastebin.com/Hepy1bU8

    If I add form="short" on line 107, nothing the style preview does not show that anything happens.
  • That would be line 108 in that version, so
    <name form="short" and="text" et-al-min="7" et-al-use-first="1" initialize-with=". "/>
  • Fantastic! Thank you. It works great!
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