American Antiquity/Society of American Archaeology

When I input my bibliography section in Word using the above citation styles I get the following:

Martin, Paul S. 1973 The Discovery of America: The first Americans may have swept the Western Hemisphere and decimated its fauna within 1000 years. Science 179(4077):969–974. DOI:10.1126/science.179.4077.969.

When it should look like this:

Martin, Paul S.
1973 The Discovery of America: The First Americans May Have Swept the Western
Hemisphere and Decimated Its Fauna Within 1000 Years. Science

I would like to change this under preference/style editor but I do not think it is a simple fix. Also, American Antiquity does not show up using the drop down list. It would be nice if Zotero Admin could fix this so every time I create a bibliography I do not have to edit the indentations in Word. I am sure other people have had the same problem.

I would appreciate any help, or a simple fix. Thank you.
  • How exactly are you generating the bibliography in Word? This shold work pretty much correctly, i.e. with the author on a separate line, though getting the exact indentation right with these types of styles isn't always possible.
  • I generate the bibliography the only way I know how. I use the Zotero plug-in for Word and enter my in-text citations throughout the document and for my references section I click 'Add/Edit Bibliography.'

    Sorry my first message was incorrect. The author is on a separate line but there is hardly an indentation, like the following.

    Martin, Paul S.
    1973 The Discovery of America: The first Americans may have swept the Western Hemisphere and decimated its fauna within 1000 years. Science 179(4077):969–974. DOI:10.1126/science.179.4077.969.

    When it should look like this:

    Thomas, David H.
    1983 The Archaeology of Monitor Valley: 2. Gatecliff Shelter. Anthropological
    Papers of the American Museum of Natural History Vol. 59(1). American
    Museum of Natural History, New York.
  • Sorry, when I enter my indentation in this post it alters it. So, the above style is not correct. Essentially, the second line should be indented and the third and fourth line should align with the start of the title.
  • Yeah, that's just a limitation on the degree of formatting we can do with citation styles, sorry.
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