Version identity for word processor integration

To maintain compatibility between Zotero and 'Zotero plug-ins' in word processors should there be a way for the plug-in to tell Zotero which format it expects its response?

Alternatively, should Zotero report via the RPC call some sort of version identity, and the plugin advise the user of the need to update their plugin?

Suggestions / ideas?
  • See

    I think the plugin should report its version, and Zotero should display a dialog if the plugin is outdated.

    If you update the plugin to send a version number, I (or Simon) can update Zotero to display the necessary dialog. Zotero should probably also send a response that indicates that the plugin is outdated so the plugin can disable itself and not try to make any more changes to the document.
  • Let me know what you want sent to Zotero via the RPC call and I will implement it on the Microsoft Word/OOo Writer side.
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