Errors after upgrading

I upgraded from Zotero 2.0b.6x to Zotero 2.0b.7.1 this morning, and also upgraded the Word 2008 (Mac) plug-in and the PyXPCOM extension. Now, as I work in Word 2008, I keep getting an error about it not finding space on my hard drive to back up my work (40GB free there), followed by an error saying it can't autosave and to check the save location in preferences (reset a save location, since it seemed to go missing, still get the error even with a location specified).
What went wrong, and how do I fix it? Is this just a problem on the Mac, or do I need to get our systems folks to wait on upgrading our PC labs so we can do our training next week?
Is there any way I can access and re-install the 2.0b.6x version and that Word plug-in if I am still having problems?
  • What makes you think the problems in Word are related to Zotero?

    Move the files from Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items/Zotero to a folder on your desktop and restart Word, and then see if the problem continues.
  • edited September 21, 2009
    After moving the files, the problem no longer continues. I thought the problem was related to Zotero since it started shortly after updating Zotero and the Zotero Word plug-in, and nothing else had changed on my machine.
  • edited September 21, 2009
    OK, move the files back to the directory and restart Word. Does the problem recur?
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