No scroll in addons window
Currently I have several plugins installed, and all of them do not display in the addons window because they trail off at the bottom, but there's no scroll bar or way to adjust the size of the items in the addon window. So in order to reach certain addons at the bottom (for example, to remove them) I need to uninstall addons above them and re-install them after getting rid of the bottom ones. Is there any way to make sure the scroll function appears in the addons window?
adamsmithThere should be a scrollbar. Which operating system, which Zotero version?
agoldenveinYes, that would probably have been helpful. Currently running on Windows 7 SP1, Zotero 5.0.97 beta
adamsmithCould you try making the add-on window smaller or larger (you can resize from the bottom corners, the cursor will turn into a diagonal, double-sided arrow). The scrollbar is contextual, i.e. should appear only when the list isn't fully displayed. It's possible something there is going wrong.
agoldenveinA computer restart fixed the issue.