Mendeley - CSL Edition

Hello everyone. I might be not flulent in english, so be patient please. I am using CSL to make my own citation style. I've done everything almost perfectly, but there is that one little thing...
In bibliography, before last author there is always "and" or "&". How can I remove it? I want just a comma.

1. Campbell J. L. & Pedersen O. K. (2007) The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 40(3), 307–332.

Screenshots appreciated.
  • edited March 23, 2021
    Always easier to point out the fix when we know which style you are using or if you share what you've created via hastebin/pastebin, but generally find and remove and="symbol" usually in a macro called "author".
  • edited March 23, 2021
    Well, i am not familliar with this coding thing. Is that a link to share my coding?

    Well, i tried your advice, but it did not helped :(
  • OK, went through the code and found it and fixed it. Thanks for all <3
  • Glad you have it working! If you have any further questions, feel free to write in a language other than English.
  • Okay, spróbuję zatem w moim macierzystym języku. Mam jeszcze jeden drobny problem:

    131. Singh D. (1994a) Body fat distribution and perception of desirable female body shape by young black men and women. International Journal of Eating Disorders 16(3), 289–294.
    132. Singh D. (2002) Female mate value at a glance: relationship of waist-to-hip ratio to health, fecundity and attractiveness. Neuro endocrinology letters 23 Suppl 4(December), 81–91.
    133. Singh D. (1994b) Ideal female body shape: Role of body weight and waist‐to‐hip ratio. International Journal of Eating Disorders 16(3), 283–288.

    No właśnie - 3 publikacje tej samej autorki, a nie są ułożone "rocznikowo" - najpierw powinno być 1994a, potem 1994b, potem dopiero 2002. Jak to naprawić? Ja totalnie nie znam się na kodowaniu, więc u mnie to bardziej klikanie w randomowe miejsca i sprawdzenie co się stanie, licząc na szczęście.
  • This is controlled by the sort section within the bibliography.
    Lines 96-99.
    You can add the year-date macro there as a key to sort by. (just adapt from what is there already).
    The order is important, so you probably want the year-date in the 2nd position.
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