Feature request for new PDF and IOS app
Thanks for all your hardwork on building up this software! The work you have done so far is great! One thing I have always wanted is an easy way to save a citation in something I am reading to a "look up later" list, rather than going down the rabbit hole. If there was someway to highlight a citation in the app and send the text or even better the doi or other citation information to a list seperate from the normal highlighting, copying and pasting features, that would make a huge difference. Also, it would be really nice to have a find full text option. And, if you could integrate some more advanced method to handle PDF's and correct citation information. I am sure you are working on all of these ideas and I will try to share thoughts I have as I continue beta testing. Thanks for all of your hard work!
A similar feature will be added to the iOS app. In the meantime, you can use the save page to save the item to your online library without going to look it up separately.
Another option would be to highlight things normally and then add a tag (e.g., "look up") to the annotation. It's not yet possible to search for annotations by tags, but it will be soon, and that would let you quickly find all highlights with that tag from the library view.
I think there are some other things we could do here, but those are likely the best options now and in the near future.