
Hi, I really like the new fullscreen feature
I use linux and I can start firefox from command line like this:
firefox zotero://fullscreen
and firefox starts with zotero in fullscreen

Now, is there a way to indicate an item id in the zotero:// link so that the item would be selected in zotero? Observe that I am not asking for a report on the item in the browser window, just a scroll down an selection of the item in question.

The reason for asking is of course the possibility to link back to items in zotero.
I use a Scintilla based text editor written in python (WikidPad) to organise my ideas.
I use a customized placeholder output style (similar top the one used for RTF scan) to copy refs from the zotero window. Theoretically, the text editor should be able to open a zotero item based on the information in the placeholder.

  • See here and here for previous discussions.
  • Hi mark,

    Thanks for your reply. The zotero://select is pobably what I want! If there is a way to put the item id (or key) in the formatted ref, then this should be solvable!

    Maybe this is a planned feature...

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