iOS pdf not syncing properly

Hi guys,
Love the new app. Was eagerly waiting for this!

I added an item on the iPhone. The pdf was downloaded and appears fine on However, on the pc the item shows the attachment, with the correct file name, but when I click on it I get “the attached file could not be found at the following path@ message.

The file location seems to have a \ were it’s not supposed to.

The problematic file has a colon in its name, which may be the cause. I’m also not using the default location for the Zotero library.

The paper i have trouble with:

Thanks for your hard work!
  • This should be fixed for new saves in the latest iOS build.

    That filename with the colon is fixed for me syncing to macOS. It should've been for you to Windows as well, but I guess that didn't happen. You should be able to relocate the file to correct it.
  • Thanks. I will let you know if this issue persists.
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