Style Error report — APA 6th edition performer name error


Can someone verify for me the behavior of Zotero with regard to the Zotero performer role in audio recordings I don't see anything in VandenBos (2010) that makes the distinction to use full first names. I am experience an issue where the composer role has their name as ` LastName, F.` However, when switched to performer, the name is `LastName, FirstName`. Is this intentional or a bug?

I get the following when I import to Zotero using the unAPI import method. And choose to export using create bibliography - copy to clipboard.

Michaud, Alexis, Nguyễn, Thị Lan, Trần, Đỗ Đạt, & Mạc, Đăng Khoa. (2013). SmoothTones: The six tones of sonorant-ending syllables of Hanoi Vietnamese, on the syllables /a/ and /ɗa/. Speaker M7. Vietnam, Hanoi: Multimédia, Informations, Communication et Applications. Retrieved from

VandenBos, Gary R, (Editor). 2010. Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association. 6th edn. Washington, DC: American Psychological
  • Oh, never mind.... the unAPI/MODS import is importing the names with commas but not splitting the name field. So they look like corporate names.
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