Zotero bookmarlet not working on Chrome for Android

Hello. After I updated Chrome browser on my android phone, Zotero's bookmarklet stopped working. The exact Chrome version is 88.0.4324.152.

When I try to save a page, the following message is shown:

"An error occurred saving with Embedded Metadata. Attempting to save using Save as Webpage instead.

An error occurred while saving this item. Try again, and if the issue persists see Getting Help for more information."

There are some few exceptions, for example trying to save a page from the Zotero forum, but most pages cannot be saved now. Just to give an example, R-bloggers.com page cannot be saved.

I have found a couple of posts kind of discussing this but the most similar one had only one reply that basically suggested using another browser, or trying https://www.zotero.org/save, but I would like to know if this is the only way: renouncing the chance to have a normal save from Chrome on Android.

I would appreciate any help.
  • edited March 16, 2021
    Internet browser vendors have been making various changes over the past few of years to improve browser security that unfortunately have severely neutered our ability to make the bookmarklet work on most pages, so we'e not doing any testing or updates for it these days and will likely discontinue it eventually. Using https://www.zotero.org/save is indeed your best option these days when on a mobile browser.
  • Oh, that's too bad but entirely understandable. Thanks for your efforts, I understand you can't keep commiting so much work to fight the described trend, and those efforts are needed elsewhere.

    Zotero is great overall.
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