APA 7th Edition Question

When using Word and creating citations for APA 7th edition, it has all words of journal article titles capitalized; however, from what I have read online, only the first word should be capitalized. Is one of my settings wrong somewhere? Or am I misunderstanding the APA rules regarding this capitalization? Thank you in advance for assistance!
  • HI @dstillman - I reviewed your link on casing. What is the fastest solution if I'm using a lot of journal articles and APA 7th? Should I go into the pane on the right hand side and manually change the case in the title? Or, is there a faster way?
  • Always store item titles in sentence case in your database. For all item types. To change the case for an item, Right click on the title and click Sentence Case.
  • Also, @dstillman - I just went into my 4 or 5 Zotero collection entries (journal articles) and adjusted the capitalization in the journal title words. I erased my generated biblio and started over, but no go......even with the correct APA 7th ed journal title case, the biblio is still populating with capital letters in the journal title words. Must be a simple solution that I'm missing here....
  • Do you mean the title of the journal or the item? It’s correct APA style for it to be “Journal of Applied Psychology”
  • @bwiernik - hi, thank you.

    I re-read my posts here and realized it wasn't clear what I was referring to, I'm sorry......in each case where I mentioned "journal title" it should have said "journal article title words." For example, the journal article "Association between antipsychotic medication use and diabetes management" imported into Zotero as "Association Between Antipsychotic Medication Use and Diabetes Management" even though I had APA 7th ed selected in my preferences for this document.

    What is weird, is not all citations do this. Some important with lower case for the journal article title words.

    So, I need to know the best way to fix this - do I do so in the entry pane to the right (manually) or do I try to do so in the generated biblio? Thank you!
  • edited March 22, 2021
    How something imports has nothing to do with the citation style you have selected in your document. That just depends on the site.

    You need to store the titles in sentence case in Zotero, as explained on the linked page, and then your citations will come out correct in your document based on the selected citation style. If they're not, you didn't edit the same items that you're citing. That could include citing items that are embedded in your document that you've since deleted from Zotero, in which case you'll need to delete and reinsert the citations in the document, being sure to choose from the library section of the citation dialog search results rather than the Cited section (until you've removed all instances of the old citation in the document).
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