Authors' first names in footnotes where they shouldn't be (style International Organization)


I am currently working on a long document with many (many) footnotes. I am using the International Organization style. In the vast majority of the footnotes the literature references are displayed as they ought to be, i.e. without the first names of the authors. However, there is a very limited number of references (perhaps a dozen or so out of several hundred) that keeps being shown with the author's first name in various footnotes.

As far as I can see I have entered all references in the document in both Zotero and Word in an identical way, so I see no reason why this should be happening. The problem persists after I have tried re-inserting some of the references in Word.

Is this is a known issue and any suggestions on how to fix it? If not, I can, of course, just manually correct the references in the very end, but a "clean" solution is always nicer.

Thank you in advance!

  • Note that this style will show initials for authors with the same family name but different given names. If you have multiple authors with the same family name, the style is working correctly.

    If you only have one author with this name, check that you have consistently spelled the name in your Zotero library for all items (eg, the full name is always entered rather than sometimes only initials). Also check that the offending items don’t accidentally have the name entered in single-field form (eg, “John Smith” instead of “Smith || John”). Be sure to also check in any group libraries you have cited items from. I know you said this was already the case, I’m just clarifying what the actual needs are.

    If the names persist after that, one of the offending items may be disconnected from your library. Open the citation in the Add/Edit Citation window, click the item’s blue bubble, and see if there is a “Show in My Library” button. If not, delete the citation and reinsert it from your library.

  • Fantastic, thank you so much for the quick response. Now all fine...
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