PDF Metadata not populating

I am a new user. I have downloaded PDF e-books to my Windows PC and then linked them to my Zotero library by clicking the green +(Link to File), however I keep getting an error message saying "No matching references found". Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? Thank you!
  • You shouldn't expect to get metadata from a PDF e-book, unless it has a DOI or ISBN in the first few pages.

    From Retrieve PDF Metadata:
    Zotero should retrieve high-quality metadata for most academic PDFs. While it can sometimes extract basic information (title, author) from other documents, you shouldn't expect that — anything can be distributed as a PDF, but that doesn’t mean there’s any standard metadata available for it.
    Read through that page to understand the purpose and limitations of this feature, and how you want to add most things.
  • That helps, thank you!
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