trouble with ezproxy... I think

I'm trying to access the database from my library, but Zotero is blocking it. In firefox, it enters a loop that either asks me to add the proxy or to ignore, and no matter what I do, the same message pops up a second later. If I check on preferences to remember proxies, then it never accesses the database either. What's weird is that if I have firefox running, and I open Explorer, I can't acces the library from there either. Once I close firefox, Explorer work fine. Everything works fine if I disable Zotero as well. Can someone give me a hand? Thanks!
  • Can you restart Firefox, turn on debug output from the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences, and then repeat what you were doing. After you've reproduced the problem, send in the debug output and post the Debug ID here.

    You should also go to the Proxies pane of the Zotero prefs and take a look at the entries there. There will probably be one for your library. Let us know what the settings are, including what you see in the popup window when you double-click on it.

    (If you'd rather not share publicly, you can send the info to
  • I didn't get any debug output. When I enter the search parameters in the library's database, I still get the same 2 options: either the repetition of the add proxy/ignore, or just the loop "waiting for"
    In the proxies pane I have the "Automatically remember..." unchecked (I go into the second loop), and when I check it, I go into the first loop.
    Then, the configured proxies are:

  • Double-click on the Multi-site line in the list. What are the settings in the popup window?

    There should be debug output. Go to the Advanced pane of the preferences, click Enable, repeat the steps to reproduce the problem, and then look again. There should be lines logged that you can send in.
  • Multi-site is checked, "Automatically associate new hosts" is checked, under "Hostname" i have:

    Then, under Scheme:

    And I swear, I enabled the debug output, did the same thing and still got 0 output lines.

  • Hmm. If you enable debug output, click back and forth between a few of your Zotero collections, wait 10 seconds, and look again, does it still say 0 lines logged?
  • Sorry, I shouldn't have sworn ; )
    I have the debug output, but it's way too long to past here. What should I do?
  • it looks something like this:
    (3)(+0000186): Zotero.Proxies.properToProxy:
  • times a million
  • Click "Submit to Zotero Server" and post the Debug ID here.
  • Hi Dan,
    Did you manage to figure out what's wrong with my Zotero?
  • I am having this exact same problem.
  • yeah, i'm having the same problem too. Zotero seems to thinks the hostname is "www" rather than, for example,
  • edited October 1, 2009
    We think we've fixed this issue. If any of you are fearless enough to try the trunk [no longer necessary], we'd appreciate your feedback. (It should be relatively stable, although you should definitely back up your data first, and make sure you switch over when the next release is available.) Otherwise, the likely fix will be available in a few days as part of 2.0b7.2.
  • The fix is working for me :>

  • Thanks, the new version is working for me.
  • Sorry, but I still have a similar problem. Now after a search, it asks me to log in, and after I do, it asks me again and so on. Here is the debug ID:

  • edited September 23, 2009
    I don't know how, but my problem seems to have solved itself. Thanks!
  • I am intermittently getting the same problem that danif78 just mentioned.
  • Hmm, not so intermittent anymore. Not sure why, but I can't seem to access my university library site anymore through Firefox with Zotero on. It just asks me again to log in, as if I hadn't. I can still access it through Camino though, even if Firefox is running at the same time, so I am using a combination of both browsers.
  • If you go to Tools->Add-ons->Extensions, click "Preferences" next to Zotero, uncheck "Automatically remember proxied resources", and remove any proxies from the list, you can disable Zotero's proxy features, which should fix your issues for now. But before you do that, it would help us figure out what's going on if you can follow Dan's instructions in the second post here to give us a debug ID.
  • Okay, debug ID is D544341912.
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