fichier joint

repeatedly i have to transform a linked file attachment to an attached file.
Is there a way to do this automatically when saving the attachment?
  • à plusieurs reprises je dois transformer "une pièce jointe de fichier lié" en un "fichier joint".
    Existe-t-il une façon de faire ça de manière automatique au moment d enregistrement de la pièce jointe ?
  • transform a linked file attachment to an attached file
    Is this really what you mean? Because Zotero saves stored files, not linked files, by default.
  • thanks for your reply
    I have a new PC
    I have used Sync to import my library from
    All files saved as "Stored files" have been imported successfully.
    However, the "linked files" have not been saved in my library
    Consequently, I cannot import them to my new PC.
    The "linked files" are files that I have added manually in my library.
    So I have to attach them again. Then to avoid this problem in the future I use "Tools / manage attachement / convert linked files to stored files"
    In the future, when I use "attach link to file", is it possible to automatically get a "store files"?
    Thanks a lot
  • This still isn't making sense to me. If you want a stored file, you just add the file as a stored file. Why are you using "Attach Link to File" if you don't want linked files? If you want a stored file, use "Attach Stored Copy of File".
  • OK thank you very much. I was unaware of the "Attach Stored Copy of File" function
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