Failure to upload ris library in NVivo 12 Mac

I have successfully exported some of my Zotero (version library files .ris and imported in NVivo 12 Mac (12.6.1) with notes (memos). But some files failed to import with the message "Import error, Unable to parse bibliographic data file." What might be the issue? Please note that these are French version, if that makes any differences.
  • To the best of our knowledge, Zotero exports clean and standard RIS. This would be much faster to troubleshoot on the Nvivo end, so I'd recommend getting in touch with their support, which is usually very responsive.
    It's still possible that this is due to something Zotero does, in which case they should be able to tell you what that is and we can look at addressing that.
  • Thanks! Will check and get back with their answer if that can be helpful for others.
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