Dragging Citations into Zotero Collection

Hello -

Is there a way to drag citations (ex: .ris files) directly into a collection, such that they import? (In my case, to drag them in from the Mac's Finder).

I can drag PDFs into Zotero in this way, and they are processed for metadata, with a proper containing item created.

However, .ris files are treated as Zotero documents as well, instead of being treated as citation files to import and process (thereby creating a Zotero item therefrom).

What I find is that dragging the .ris file onto the Zotero app icon does do the desired processing of the citation and creation of the Zotero item.

I would love it if both types of items worked the same way, and I could just drag citations directly into Zotero's collections, in the Zotero app window, just as I can do with PDFs. As is, I drag PDFs into the Zotero window, directly into the desired collection, but I drag .ris files onto the app icon.

Thank you for consideration of this idea.

Best regards,
  • I would love it if both types of items worked the same way, and I could just drag citations directly into Zotero's collections, in the Zotero app window, just as I can do with PDFs.
    They're not really comparable. When you drag a PDF in, you're actually adding it to your library (whether or not a parent item is created). The PDF isn't processed and discarded, with some other output into your library, as is the case with RIS.

    You can drag any file type into Zotero, and I don't think it really makes sense for Zotero to start guessing whether someone meant to add attach a file to an item or treat it as a bibliographic exchange file.

    Note that you can open a RIS/etc. file via Zotero and Zotero will prompt whether you want to import it. On macOS, you can drag the file to the Dock icon as well.
  • @dstillman Thank you for reply. I see your point about differentiation of functions here. The dock-drag is not a bad solution. I just mix up the two functions at times and end up trying to drag the .ris into Zotero's window directly, and then accidentally create a Zotero item of the .ris file itself! It's a minor thing, of course. Just have to remember/habituate. Thank you again.
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