possible to find available pdfs through multiple sources?

I usually use zotero in a campus enviroment so that I have access to the full text for the references; however, sometimes it can't find the fulltext of all of them, even though I have access to them if I download them manually; so I sometimes need to use other resources.

I know the way of changing the pdf resolver to assign a different resource, but I wonder if one can make this option take effect only when zotero fails to find the fulltext through the ip authentication?

One more question is: if we have different resourses that we can assign for the pdf resolver, then is there a way to assigin all of these instead of only one? Thanks.
  • You're referring to custom PDF resolvers?
    I know the way of changing the pdf resolver to assign a different resource, but I wonder if one can make this option take effect only when zotero fails to find the fulltext through the ip authentication?
    That's how it works. Zotero will always try the publisher page and OA sources (from Unpaywall data) first.
    One more question is: if we have different resourses that we can assign for the pdf resolver, then is there a way to assigin all of these instead of only one?
    It's a JSON array, so you can enter as many as you want in JSON array syntax. (It might allow you to enter a top-level object, but it's meant to be an array.)
  • yes, I'm referring to custom PDF resolvers. However, I'm not familiar with JSON array, what I see for this field is: by default, it is filled with "[]", and I saw some code specifying this field as "{...}", similar to the code in the website you offered.

    So, I guess this means I can do it in the form [{sth1},{sth2}]?

    If so, is it possible to specify that zotero try to use the ip Authentication first, before using the manuually specified ones? Will [,{sth2},{sth3}] do the job, with the first entry left empty? If not, is there any way? Thanks.
  • So, I guess this means I can do it in the form [{sth1},{sth2}]?
    If so, is it possible to specify that zotero try to use the ip Authentication first, before using the manuually specified ones?
    As I say, that's already how it works. Custom PDF resolvers are only used if a PDF can't be found via the publisher or OA sources.
  • I had thought that I have to clear this field if I want to use the campus access; now it's clear to me that this is not necessary. Great to hear that. Thanks a lot for the clarification.
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