Foreign Language Book with Translated Book - Bibliography - Chicago 17

edited February 8, 2021

Is there a way to have zotero create an entry that puts the foreign language text with its translated text.

This example for what I am looking for (At least how CMS 17 has it laid out), where it attaches the English trans as the end in note form:

La Trône de La Sagesse: Essai Sur La Signification Du Culte Marial. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1957. Translated by A.V. Littledale as The Seat of Wisdom: An Essay on the Place of the Virgin Mary in Christian Theology (New York: Pantheon Books, 1962).
  • I believe that if you enter the translated title in Extra like this, it should look okay:

    Medium: Translated title

    Support for a translated title field will come in a future Zotero version. The Jurism program is also available—this is a version of Zotero with expanded legal and multilingual citation capabilities.
  • edited February 8, 2021
    Thanks very much.

    I'm not a Zotero expert at present (lol). Is there a field or tab that says "Extra"? I don't see it.
  • Yes, at the bottom of the Info tab for every item.
  • Thanks all. I see now. The translated title doesn't come out in italics, but this is a great work around.
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