Zotero is blocking the access to the websites

Report ID 611918660

I am accessing sites through my university website. Zotero is automatically registering a proxy. The problem is occurring in an intermittent manner.
Sometimes all is working normally, then suddenly I get a blank page when I am searching the website of getting an article.

For info, I am using Firefox (up to date) on a mac.
  • edited February 5, 2021
    This could happen if you have an outdated proxy entry or if your university website incorrectly rewrote URLs to go through the proxy when they shouldn't have been proxied. Or if your proxy previously supported proxying for a site but no longer does, Zotero would continue redirecting that site through the proxy.

    Go to the Proxies pane of the Zotero Connector preferences and, under Configured Proxies, delete any proxy entries you're not currently using (i.e., that aren't for your current institution with the correct URL scheme). Then click on the remaining, correct proxy entry and look in the bottom section to see if there are any hostnames for sites that shouldn't be proxied.

    Beyond that, we'd want to see a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) from the Zotero Connector for an attempt to load a site that failed.
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