Show Zotero at launch (not full screen)

With 2.0b7 it is now possible to have Zotero in full screen at launch, but I am hoping for a slightly different behavior.

The way I use Zotero most is with my browser window split 1/2 with the web page I am viewing and half given to Zotero. Because Zotero remembers where I set the division, I get this setup when I click the zotero address bar button in Forefox once my homepage has laoded.

However, what would be ideal for me is for Firefox to load my home page (Google scholar) and show Zotero with my saved half-window position automatically at launch. With the new full-screen-at-launch, I get either full screen or Zotero minimized to just the button bar when I toggle full screen (i.e. it does not use my saved window position)

Any ideas on how to get Zotero to show at launch but with the previously set/saved split-window position instead of full screen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Generally, 2.0b7 is working great for me and I love all the changes and tweaks.
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