What will happen to my Zotero cloud storage if I don't renew subscription?

Zotero has subscription model for its cloud storage (https://www.zotero.org/storage)

Given the size of my library I would need the unlimited plan.

There is a yearly fee.

What will happen to my cloud storage if I pay this year but not the next year?
  • The files on the cloud above 300MB will be removed when a subscription expires after a grace period of ~1 month. Note that
    a) this doesn't affect your local copies of your files and
    b) it only affects files, not synced metadata
  • 1. What do you mean by "files above 300 MB"? files with size above 300 MB will be deleted, or all the files will be deleted under the sum of the size of all files is below 300MB?

    2. Does synced metadata include DOI, title, authors, etc. of an article?
  • 1. Files will be removed from the server until the total of storage taken up by your synced attached files is <300MB, i.e. the free storage quota
    2. It includes literally everything except the attached files
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