rapport d'erreur

ID: 439088952
absence de synchronisation dans la bibliothèque partagée
  • [JavaScript Error: "Request timed out after 60000 ms"]
    Are you still having trouble?

    If so, can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that produces an error?
  • hello,
    this is the debug ID D1950112344.
    thanks for your help
  • Can you try again and wait a bit longer before submitting the output? You can use View Output from the Debug Output Logging menu to see if anything is happening. The output you submitted had a pause of only about 10 seconds after the last line.
  • the debug ID is D616176865
  • Thanks. One of your items has thousands of authors, which is slowing down the sync enough to cause a timeout.

    We'll speed this up, but for now I've added a temporary workaround in the latest Zotero beta. You should be able to close Zotero, download the Windows ZIP, extract the files, run zotero.exe straight from there, and sync. Once the sync goes through, you should be able to return to and delete the ZIP version.
  • hello,
    i'm sorry. i still have the same issue. here is the debug ID D203932465 from my last testing with beta version.
  • Sorry, the Windows beta version wasn't properly up to date. Try again now with the latest beta. (You can update via Help → "Check for Updates…".)
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