Drag-copy from personal library to group library adds a number to Extra field?

Using the macOS desktop Zotero app (version 5.0.95), when I drag-copy an entry from my main library to a group library, the copy ends up with a 5-digit number in the Extra field. Here is an example:


The original has an empty Extra field. I don't know where the numbers are coming from or what they mean. I'm sorry if the answer is obvious or documented somewhere, but could someone explain what is going on? And, is there a need for this number, or can this auto-addition be turned off somehow?
  • It sounds like you have the Google Scholar Citations plugin installed. Disable or remove that if you don’t want it (it can also be resource-intensive, so you should disable it if you aren’t using it)
  • Oh! Yes I do :-). Thanks for pointing this out. I forgot all about it and it's actually something I don't even use. Sure enough, turning it off and restarting Zotero has stopped this behavior. Thanks again!
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